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Army PT Test
posted by: Seth on 2/7/2014

I'm a medic in the US Army, and because we pull sick-call in the mornings and work long days, they usually don't do organized PT. I haven't been disciplined enough in exercising regularly, and I just found out we have a PT test coming up soon. Please pray for me that I'll do well in the PT test. Pray that God will forge in me the discipline to do dedicate, focused PT so I can always be sure to do well on the tests (and greater discipline in other areas as well). Pray for the wisdom, guidance and discipline to prepare well for this test. Pray that I'll do well anyway, this time, by God's grace. And pray that it won't be below freezing weather like it's been, but that it'll be much warmer that morning so I can do well. Also, pray for my ministry. Thanks for your prayers.
I will pray 75 people are praying.
posted by: an on 2/5/2014

please pray for wonderful adopted cat to learn quickly to use the toilett and be loved. thank you
I will pray 66 people are praying.
Ongoing Prayer
posted by: Phil Chavez on 1/11/2014

Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 19 years,I'm 41 years old now.... Thank You for Your Prayers
I will pray 65 people are praying.
posted by: Haven Hair on 1/11/2014

Please agree for great healing and shalom to and through me and for joy at the Hope Center and my homeless ministry
I will pray 53 people are praying.
posted by: Phil Chavez on 12/15/2013

Please Pray GOD Blesses me to be able to always have money to pay bills, buy food, and help others. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially to be able to buy Christmas presents this year; haven't had any money to buy Christmas Presents for 14 years. Thanks for your Prayers...Phil Chavez
I will pray 66 people are praying.
pet home
posted by: an on 12/14/2013

please pray stray cats for Cita, Puka, Dacite, Stripainais...their temporary owner is very sick and they will be on the street soon...urgently needs anew warm home! pleas epray for it! thank you
I will pray 53 people are praying.
protection and healing
posted by: marie grace on 12/2/2013

Dear Team Thank you for your prayers for us. Richard has decided to turn the lights that were on in the drive for the past year, on against me as I sleep from the back of his house. Please pray for ALL of Richard's works against us to be bound and null and void, this includes the lights, his spiritual abuse against us, and all of his teams meetings and their worship of baal and other Gods against us at their alters in their house. Pray for all of those involved in criminal and illegal operations with Richard are caught and brought to justice. Pray for a strong angelic wall of protection around my son, 24 x 7 but especially as he sleeps. My sons health test has come back positive, pray for God to make a way for us to move forward with his serious illness, we have no idea what to do, the only specialist in this condition's waiting list is full. Provision needed. Thank you for your prayers for us. God bless Marie Grace
I will pray 58 people are praying.
Prayer Request Please
posted by: Joel Rivera on 11/20/2013

[Joel Rivera, 25, Buffalo, New York, USA] Prayer Request to: The Holy Trinity, All the Saints, The Virgin Mary,Infant Jesus,Infant Mary. For: -SuperNatural Defense/Protection/Removal from and of Fallen Angels. -SuperNatural Miracles for my Special Intentions. Rev 21:7 "He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son." Rev 2:27 "He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, TO HIM I WILL GIVE AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS; AND HE SHALL RULE THEM WITH A ROD OF IRON, AS THE VESSELS OF THE POTTER ARE BROKEN TO PIECES, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star." Btw, I am Both of these characters, "he who overcomes", just fyi, because I want to spread this consciousness around to obtain those graces. My Picture: http://i.imgur.com/1qKNkip.jpg (Please Leave on Prayer List as long as possible.) Thank you. God Bless.
I will pray 31 people are praying.
Head Injury
posted by: Jonathan Ashbeck on 11/16/2013

Steve True, Milwaukee radio personality and Marquette Golden Eagles basketball broadcaster, suffered a serious head injury Wednesday morning in a car crash as he was hit by a drunk driver and was taken to the hospital. We all ought to pray for him.
I will pray 27 people are praying.
Wisdom and Successfulness
posted by: Jonathan Ashbeck on 10/21/2013

I have started school after labour day and I am currently a junior in high school; I have a hard time accepting changes and I also struggle on showing patience with others; I ask that you would pray so that I may find God's wisdom and that I may succeed in school.
I will pray 30 people are praying.
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